
it's been awhile.

A lot has changed since I last wrote. I've changed jobs, moved houses and made new friends. One of my new besties is Rockford Orvin. He works at his art studio across the hall from my work. I pretty much boss him around, make him give me treats and insist on doggie massages.

My mom, Rachel Ramsay has started a new art project with Rockford and I'm the focus. It's about time I got some respect. Check it out... www.twoboardsleft.com.

Enough for now.



i got tagged by my o.g. (original) mamma , brie... i miss her so here's an update...

3 Random thoughts I’ve had today:
1. I think I can take those two giant rottweilers, mano e mano....they look pretty scared to me.
2. Open the damned car window, it's not that cold outside.
3. I wish I could scratch my way through this window to attack that old man on the jazzy scooter....

3 good things that have happened today:
1. I got to go to the park with Layla
2. I shared a tasty Jimmy Johns turkey sandwich with my friends at the park.
3. I found the perfect place to pee for an entire 60 seconds uninterrupted (that's a friggin long time).

3 bad things that have happened today:
1. When I went to the park I couldn't roam free because some dude with two giant rottweilers lectured Rachel about no leash, blah blah, my dogs are friendly, don't mind that I have a special glove to hold onto their leashes and a can of pepper spray to break up dog fights... blah blah growl, dumb dude...
2. I had to endure a good tail combing because apparently giant dreadlock like tangles in my tail bother Rachel.
3. I wish I was a little bit taller.

3 things I’m going to do today:
1. Force Rachel to play fetch for a minimum of 53 minutes straight.
2. Finally tear the squeeker thingy out of my frog that has been vexing and taunting me for the past month... I will overcome!!!!!
3. Scare one maybe two small children.

3 people I tag:
1. Ruthie
2. Ana Mahoney
3. Stef


A day at the J.C. Snow Park

rachel thought i might not behave at the dog park, but i showed her.

i met lots of cool dawgs this is marky

racher, me, layla and ana

hardcore chase around...

my new peeps and don't forget layla in the corner.